Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Look It Up In The Dictionary!

There's a saying - "You have to know the rules in order to break them." - that certainly applies to the English language.

My father used to tell me he could only teach me one language (English), but if I learned to use it well, it would entertain me for a lifetime.

How true that is! How can you make witty comments or puns without understanding the basics of the language you're twisting?

And then there are all the other forms of language entertainment, from crossword puzzles to literary prose or poems, and everything in between.

My Dad instilled in me a lifelong love of English. One thing he always said when I was a kid and asked him the meaning of a word was "Look it up in the dictionary!". When I would ask why he couldn't just tell me he'd say "You won't remember if I just tell you. If you look it up, you'll remember."

When I would complain that I didn't know how to spell it to look it up, he would simply say "Work it out until you find the right spelling."

Sure, it was frustrating when I wanted a quick answer, but his method did help me learn. I even started picking up the dictionary in idle moments and looking for strange words, a habit I continue to this day.

Do yourself and your children a favour. Get a really good dictionary and when they ask for a meaning, say "Look it up in the dictionary.". Trust me, they will remember the meaning more than if you simply tell them.

Hey, they might even learn to love the language as much as I do!

P.S. This is THE reference work on style! Read it, learn the rules, then break'em!

The Elements of Style

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